Titan, the largest of Saturn's moon. It is the only moon with a dense atmosphere.
According to data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, Titan has hundreds of times more
liquid hydrocarbons than all Earth's known oil and natural gas reserves.
It rains liquid hydrocarbons from the sky and these are collected in lakes and dunes.
Titan climate is very cold around -179 degrees Celsius.
About 20 percent of Titan's surface are mapped by Cassini's radar. The radar has detected
and estimated that few hundred lakes and seas contain more liquid hydrocarbon than
Earth's gas and oil reserves. The dark dunes along the moon's equator has several hundred
times more coal than Earth's reserves.
According to Dr. Robert Zubrin, titan has a lot of elements required to support life. That
makes it the most eligible moon for humans to colonize it. The atmosphere contains nitrogen and methane
in abundance. It has the liquid water and ammonia under its surface. Water can be used to generate
oxygen. Fertilizer can be produced from ammonia, methane and nitrogen for growing food.
It's hydrocarbons can used for fuel for generators, machines and spacecrafts.
(Credits:www.nasa.gov & en.wikipedia.org)